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Visiting consultation for unresolved back pain and neuromusculoskeletal problems

We serve clients from all over North America for unresolved back and other chronic pain problems. Individuals visit for 2 to 30 days or more.

Understanding pain

We help people in pain where others have not

Central Institute for Human Performance combines proprietary assessments with a team of experienced practitioners who communicate across disciplines to create unique results that other forms of healthcare rarely achieve. CIHP provides distinct care to solve pain and treat the entire person.

About CIHP - Dr. Skaggs Adjustment

McGill Master Clinician

Becoming a McGill Master Clinician is rare and has a very high standard. A clinician at this level has the competence to conduct an assessment of a patient’s pain, identify root causes of pain, and execute a therapeutic plan. The cause of pain may be very complex and have elements of mechanics, neurology, personality, psychology, anatomy, load exposure, age, social forces and more. Understanding the pain mechanisms guides the clinician’s approach to lessen pain as the first priority, following by a plan to build a foundation for pain-free activity. Dr. Skaggs collaborated with Professor McGill for 20 years. Dr. Skaggs and Dr. George are 2 of only 18 McGill Master Clinicians in the world.

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Your pain solutions

A Visiting Consultation patient at CIHP will:

  • Better understand how pain is involved in their healing and recovery.
  • Clearly understand what NOT to do to allow recovery.
  • Clearly understand how to build a foundation for pain-free
  • Clearly understand what to expect: progressions and milestones.
  • Receive a diagnosis and understand why they have pain.
  • Receive dedicated follow-up to quantify efficacy and improvements.

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Dealing with Chronic Pain? We can help.